Energy Dynamics During Exercise
As described previously, ATP (energy) can be produced via
three energy systems. Although we looked at each of the energy systems
separately, this does not mean that only one energy system can function at a
time. To understand this concept better, we can use the analogy of a symphony
orchestra: The orchestra includes several instrument groups, and each group
plays softly, moderately, or loudly depending on the musical score.
At the beginning of the symphony, the string group may be loud,
the woodwind group may be moderate, and the percussion group may be soft. These
musical emphases may be reversed by the end of the symphony to reflect soft
music by the string group and loud music by the percussion group. The same is
true for energy production during exercise. Each of the three energy systems is
in a state of dynamic flux. Like the instrument groups, each of the energy
systems is operating constantly during exercise, but the systems operate at
different levels of ATP production depending on the intensity and duration of
the exercise.
An example of the “symphony orchestra” effect is shown in figure 1.8, which
shows energy dynamics during a cycling road race, a sporting event that is
classified as an endurance event. During pack riding, the exercise intensity is
moderate, and the duration is relatively long. As discussed earlier, the
dominant energy system during moderate-intensity, long-duration exercise is the
long-term (oxidative phosphorylation) energy system. Although the long-term
system is dominant, it is not the only energy system that is active during pack
riding. The other two energy systems are active, but they are “playing
During a hill climb, the intensity picks up, but the duration is
shorter compared with pack riding. This type of high-intensity,
moderate-duration exercise requires the short-term (glycolysis) energy system to
play the loudest, the immediate (ATP-CP) energy system to play louder, and the
long-term system to play softer. Finally, the energy dynamics are reversed
during the final sprint to the finish, which involves exercise at a very high
intensity but for a short duration. In this phase, the immediate system is
clearly the loudest, and the short-term and long-term systems are relatively
In endurance sport, the dominant energy system is the oxidative
phosphorylation energy system. However, keeping in mind our symphony orchestra
analogy, athletes must remember the role that the ATP-CP and glycolysis energy
systems play in the performance of endurance activities. Knowing when to train
and how much time to devote to training each of the three energy systems is an
important ingredient of success in endurance sport. This knowledge is also
reflected in a well-designed and scientifically based training plan.
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