Among athletes, a lot of confusion exists about ergogenic aids. This confusion is often related to safety and efficacy concerns. Because ergogenic aids are not included in the category of macro- or micronutrients, people often think of them only as performance enhancing and for specific use in sport. Although studies have provided good data to support the performance- and recovery-enhancing effects of some ergogenic aids, a comprehensive review of the most popular supplements is beyond the scope of this chapter.
Excellent texts devoted to the topic of ergogenic aids are available, including Power Eating, Third Edition (2007) by Susan Kleiner with Maggie Greenwood-Robinson or Advanced Sports Nutrition, Second Edition (2013) by Dan Benardot (both published by Human Kinetics). Coaches and athletes interested in learning more about potential ergogenic aids should seek out these texts. However, athletes should use ergogenic aids under the close supervision of a qualified health professional and should make sure they have a clear understanding of the potential risks.
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